I have taken a couple of wrong decisions in my private life the past few weeks. I haven’t been inspired neither excited to write articles or lead workshops. There are phases in our lives when there is no flow and that’s okay.
Ten things I did to make sure there was movement in my life 2017
A year ago I wrote my first blog article. Since then I have kept on writing articles regularly. It has supported me to stay committed toward myself, and to live what I preach.
Are you ready to get what you want?
I heard the question “How much do you want what you want?” some time ago and I find it so powerful. I often hear myself, my clients or friends expressing wishes, I want this or that to happen in my life. Most of the time it stops there.
Are you a drama queen?
Are you a drama queen? Are you creating a little drama out of every misunderstanding or unfair situation which is happening to you?
Make self-love your priority
Throughout life, many of us women are taught to express love outwards – to be kind to others, to share, to show others compassion and empathy. But when it comes to giving ourselves love and attention, it usual tends to be much more difficult.
Step into your light and live your truth
A couple of months ago I stepped into my light and fully showed up. I decided to never hide in the shadow again.
Create a year you love – my first life coaching workshop in Berlin!
These are my core feelings the day after I hosted my first workshop “Create a year you love” at JuggleHub in Berlin. I had the pleasure to co-create it with 15 beautiful women from around the world.
Celebrate your success with people who are as adventurous as you are
Growing up in Sweden I was early confronted with the belief that people should not be too proud and loud about their success.