5 Simple Steps to Transform Near-Burnout into Career Fulfilment with my FREE Download the ‘Career Clarity Roadmap’

Here’s what previous clients have to say about working with Katarina and her coaching programmes.

“I loved the sessions we did together and I truly learned so much about myself! If you struggle at work, or are in a personal transitional phase, Katarina’s coaching sessions will support you tremendously! Katarina is very empathetic, a good listener, fully present in every session and very well prepared. Thank you Katarina for guiding me through a difficult time and helping me along a rocky road.”


Team leader

“I approached Katarina for coaching when I was reaching burnout and facing choice paralysis about how to proceed with my career. With her support I was finally able to take decisive action to move forward, eliminate limiting beliefs and responsibilities that were holding me back, and confidently raise my prices in line with my value. Her coaching had a profound impact on my personal development and I’ve been on a very positive trajectory ever since.”

Julie Comfort

Owner, Comfort Studio

Headshot of Gia giving testimonial for Katarina Stoltz Coaching and Therapy

“Before working with Katarina I felt lost in ambiguity. I was torn between growing my business while trying to juggle everything else. Now, I feel more energised, and have clarity about the direction I want to take my business. I work four hours a day leading a team of 11 staff members based around the world, and collaborate with some of Australia’s leading companies. I work less and I achieve more, it’s magical! My life has become effortless, and my energy is magnetic to those around me. 

The coaching really worked; I have done coaching before but this time I discovered a gentle side of me that was pure and compassionate. I feel softer, more connected and found space to love myself unconditionally. It shines through in my relationship with my girlfriend and my team. Today I’m living my amplified Berlin life, and I’m financially free.

To anyone considering doing this—do the work no matter if you like it or not. Just get out of your own way and the process will unfold. Lean into it and surrender, because Katarina will only have your best interests at heart. Your mind knows how to do the hard work, and Katarina will help you do the “heart work”. “ 


CEO & Entrepreneur

“I was facing a lot of performance issues around being a boss. I felt like there were distinct things going on personally and emotionally that were blocking me from being fully present, as well as stepping into the next chapters of my life. Katarina listened to what I needed and led me through exercises for growth. I now have tangible tools that I can bring to my work, especially in my role as a boss and leader. Also, I felt very safe in a female space with her, I really love the very ‘female empowerment’ emphasis of her work. Her poise and professionalism, coupled with her empathic and sensitive characteristics, make for a very special experience as her client. It really resonated with my dynamic American understanding and felt like having a female ally at my side. Thank you!”


Restaurant owner / Founder

“Working with Katarina has been one of the best experiences in my professional life! Coming from a very difficult work situation I was looking for guidance to handle the stress and discomfort I experienced, which also affected my personal life. Throughout the sessions we reviewed my reactions to different situations and Katarina helped me to be more at ease and let go. I finally quit my job and all my toxic relationships. Katarina’s calm ‘no nonsense’ style of guiding was the highlight of every week. Progress all the way! Do it, open up and enjoy. It’s amazing!”

Nina Zywietz

Creative Director Esprit

“Katarina came recommended by multiple people and deciding to work with her was the best gift I could have given to myself—I gained clarity, confidence and my life has changed significantly! Before I started to work with Katarina, I was a mess, no longer knowing myself or listening to my needs. I was in the process of leaving my partner of 13 years and dissatisfied with my career. Katarina gave me a lot of new insights into why I was thinking and feeling as I was. I really enjoyed her coaching exercises, which gave me an extra push to change some of the destructive thoughts I was having.

After the coaching sessions I became clearer in my communication and I learned to listen to myself again. I moved out of a toxic relationship, my son started in a new, great school and I started a new job, where I feel much happier and valued! Katarina is the best cheerleader you could possibly hope for! But she’s not only that—she guides and supports in a warm and loving way, all the while keeping you accountable to yourself. Thank you, Katarina! Don’t hesitate to do it. The only thing stopping you is yourself!”

Lorna Ather

Specialist, global mobility

Praise for Katarina Stoltz from Martin

“Before working with Katarina I was grappling with my mindset and emotions, which was affecting my work, relationships and life in general. I wanted to dive into the inner work with some guidance, and learn how to better process my thoughts/emotions so that I could experience more in my work and life.

After working with Katarina I feel less resistance with myself. I feel more confident communicating how I feel and more trusting of my gut when it comes to making decisions. I’ve gained tools that help me avoid getting stuck and allow me to keep moving in the future. It made such a big difference having the space to share my challenges openly and having the guidance from Katarina on how to move forward.

If you sense there is something in work or life that you are putting off or resisting, there is immense power waiting for you after working through it with Katarina. Thank you for giving me more space in my life, and helping me get into alignment. It was such a heartwarming experience working with you!”

Praise for Katarina Stoltz from Suzanne

“The coaching changed my life! Before working with Katarina, my life was full of unmet expectations, leading to frustration and insecurity. I wanted to lower the negativity I was sensing from external influences. Now I feel like a changed person—calm and confident and thankful. I transformed unspoken expectations into communications, which changed my personal relationships tremendously. Now my personal life is stable and loving, and my business is exciting and promising. This is the best investment in ME I have ever made.

I chose to work with Katarina because her story resonated with me—her international and academic background, curvy life path and cross-border experience. She has a very structured, transparent approach, and I felt oriented from the first session. Thank you for helping me with all these changes, I got more than I could have wished for. It’s unbelievable what I took out of it. The relationship with you was a perfect match.”


CEO & Founder

“I’m so happy I found Katarina! We worked together for quite some time and went through different phases of my life together, many of which, were not easy for me to handle. Katarina has a special gift for helping you to see the essence of things and cut through the forest of thoughts. She helped me to become clear and focused in many ways, and more importantly, she helped me to become more gentle with myself and perceive a potential crisis from a different point of view. She reached my heart!”



“I feel like my whole life has changed and it’s only the beginning! I am super happy about how things are going, I now have an open heart and am brave in all sorts of relationships. This has brought so much joy and beautiful moments into my life! Prior to starting the coaching I felt stuck and unhappy in my life. I was scared I’d be bored and unfulfilled forever. To everyone thinking about coaching: Definitely do it! It is a beautiful journey that can change your life radically.

Katarina, I’m forever grateful to you for your kindness, for your true, sincere interest in me, desire to help, and also your trust in me. You helped me see that I am enough the way I am, I am amazing right now, in this moment. This was such a revelation and has given me lots of strength and also inner peace. I now feel worthiness, joy and gratitude on a daily basis.”


Procurement expert

“Working with Katarina was incredibly helpful! I think deep down we have all the answers within us but sometimes we just need the right person to help us tap into our potential and help us let go of our fears so we can take that first step.

As a result of the coaching, I have resigned from my corporate job, started a study program and I’m looking to pursue a different career path. Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, Katarina’s ability to integrate her psychotherapy background into our coaching was absolutely critical in helping me recognize behavioural patterns that needed to be changed. Thank you for asking all the right questions and helping me reframe certain aspects of my life so that I can become a more centred, grounded person and listen to the voice inside of me.”


Couple’s therapist in training

Praise for life coach Katarina Stoltz from Stella
“Coaching was the best thing I did this year! Before working with Katarina I felt insecure and in a dark place. I wanted to address my fears and insecurity and overcome them so that I could live my life with more ease. I feared the inner work, that it would open up more than I could handle. But it was so helpful to have clear goals to work on and a clear process that came with it. Thank you Katarina for supporting me in this process and showing me all these great tools. I now have clarity, peace of mind and a clear direction. I feel like myself again.”
Co-Founder & CEO

“When I look back at my first sessions with Katarina, I cannot believe how much has changed since then. During the many months I worked with her, she helped me navigate back through different areas of my life and guided me through the process of finding my own power, all within the safe, welcoming space she has such a talent for creating. After each session I left feeling more confidence and clarity.”


Client director

“Before starting the sessions with Katarina, I felt like I had lost my authentic voice. In a simple, direct, and laser-focused manner, Katarina gave me her full attention. With extraordinary accuracy, she dug out issue after issue, unravelling them one by one. She helped me take action to distance myself from my unfulfilling job and to use my time to work on my Ph.D. research resolutely, without guilt or remorse. I learned that walking away has nothing to do with weakness or giving up but is about realizing my self-worth and value.

After working with Katarina, I started to find my voice again. I re-centered myself and learned to recognize and honor my unique strengths and talents. Midway through our sessions, she accompanied me through a transformational life-juncture. When I finally got pregnant after several IVF cycles, she celebrated with me, guiding me through yet another phase of deep change. I am deeply grateful for this experience!”


Project Coordinator

Praise for Katarina Stoltz from Anabella

“Before working with Katarina, I felt kind of lost. It was hard for me to make decisions and I was lacking clarity about what I wanted to do professionally. Katarina made me feel really heard. She gave me feedback at just the right moments, which helped me to put my thoughts in order and to understand myself better. Her reflections were crucial for me to see things I couldn’t see or understand before. After working with her, I have learned to appreciate my growth and to navigate complicated times. Also, I now have tools and strategies I can call on when I need to access my inner strength. I am grateful for having found Katarina, she has helped me in ways I could never have imagined.”


Executive Recruiter

“Katarina coached me for several months. Together with her I managed to achieve really big personal goals. What I appreciate so much about Katarina is her pleasant manner! I would like more people to have the privilege to work with her and to build the life they want. Thank you Katarina!”

Michael Bogner

Founder, CEO at Perspective.co

“Working with Katarina has made a huge impact on my professional life! I have always been more passive and reactive at work, waiting for someone’s permission to do something or waiting for someone to give me direction. Katarina helped me to be more proactive, to take charge and lead. Now I am much better at driving my own agenda and telling people what I want them to do and what I expect from them. I am super happy about my work with Katarina and I cannot recommend her highly enough. It is an investment into your better, happier and brighter future. Just do it!”

Veronica Senderksy


“A wonderful person and insightful coach, Katarina asks the right questions to help you embark on, or continue your journey of self-discovery. During our sessions she shed light on things that I had realised about myself, but with her help I was able to understand better. Most importantly, she was able to help me rethink certain situations, see them through another lens and find ways to improve them. Together we found hands-on ways to reach my monthly goals. After every session with Katarina, I felt energised and happy.”


Ideas curator / Speaker coach

Praise for Katarina Stoltz Coaching from Sandra

“When I started working with Katarina, I felt stressed and exhausted, and was having trouble sleeping through the night. I was in a very bad place. I was a hamster in a wheel at work; there was too much going on and I was uncertain how I was going to move forward. Choosing to do coaching, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to put in the energy to make changes, since my energy level and motivation were very low.

Coaching with Katarina helped me be still for a moment and take a look at what was going on, instead of constantly rushing and pushing issues to the side. Knowing that there was a next session coming up helped me to put in the time to reflect and actually deal with the things that are going on in my life.

Before I started the coaching I didn’t have clarity about my boundaries. I only said NO in extreme situations. Now, I listen to myself more and set rules around my working hours, which gives me more quality time with friends.

I used to feel undervalued— like I wasn’t good enough. Now, I understand my value much better, and I’m a lot more self-assured. I see things more objectively and can detach from the critical voices in my head. I’m in a much better place now. I still have moments when I feel the same as before, but not every single day! I’m more rested and have detached from my work identity. Coaching is an investment in yourself!”


Chief of staff & managing director

“Before I started coaching sessions with Katarina, I felt tired, overwhelmed by many things in my life, and disconnected from myself and my values. Katarina listened to me and guided me step by step towards reconnecting with myself. She was empathetic and kind, but also held me accountable throughout the process. Katarina was always very clear in her communications and flexible in her approach, able to adjust her methods according to how I responded to them. She gave me great tools which I can use both in my personal and professional life. Most importantly, I was able to reconnect with myself, my values, and focus my attention and energy on what’s truly important to me.”


Finance professional

Praise for Katarina Stoltz from Joanna

“I quit my job because I was burned out. The months following I was feeling trapped in a negative mindset, a kind of “professional depression” where I became anxious just thinking about going back to any type of job or routine. I felt really hopeless about the next steps in my career. I was lost between different paths, not knowing where to start or what to focus on. I was looking for a way to get myself out of this loop and a coach seemed like the best choice. A friend of mine was already working with Katarina and shared very positive feedback on her results, so it convinced me to get in touch.

I now have many tools (that work) to use whenever I feel stuck in my life. I also have the power to change the beliefs and stories that I make up in my mind. I always felt that Katarina was dedicated to helping me. Her neutrality while still being engaged made all the difference. And even with the sessions being online, I always felt a very warm and welcoming atmosphere. I feel confident about the future and about the fact that if I ever encounter a hardship, I will be able to get past it thanks to what I have learned so far. I have reached all the goals we set up together and I have a clear mission and vision for the next year.”

Student in Holistic Health
Praise for Katarina Stoltz from Peter
“I am a fairly conscious and self-confident entrepreneur, yet I felt unclear and unsure about a few things related to business and private life and their harmony with each other. I sought the right questions for setting priorities and for listening more to myself, e.g. what is my vision for myself and my business, how and where do I want to live, who do I want to live with? Katarina asked the right questions, listened, let me feel, think, answer, and reflect. The regular sessions slowly but surely brought clarity to light. I am now more aware and know better who I am and where I stand. Thank you!”
Peter Walde
CEO & founder
Praise for Katarina Stoltz from Evolena

“I started working with Katarina at a time in my life when I needed to take a step back. I felt a little lost, scattered in my priorities, unsure of my strengths, of what made me unique. In a very gentle and always intelligent way, she helped me to understand the links between certain aspects of my life, and guided me in getting to know myself better. Our coaching has allowed me to put together the pieces of the puzzle, to gain clarity on my priorities and the direction I want my life to take. The coaching has been very useful, and it was a pleasure to work with someone who is competent and deeply kind.”


Founder & COO at Faircado

“I had 12 sessions with Katarina and it was a really helpful experience. I enjoyed her positive and supportive style. I always felt heard and understood. I left every session with new insight. The best thing was that she never made me feel like there was anything wrong with me but rather suggested perspectives on things in a really respectful and encouraging way. I would recommend her to anyone, especially if you are a bit wary of coaches/therapists and want to be sure this is someone you can trust to help you feel better.”



“Coaching with Katarina was so valuable, and everyone should try this! I wanted to take control of my life and I knew I needed guidance for this. My life was rather hectic, anxious and overwhelming, I was rather lost on my own. The sessions helped me highlight key areas I needed to work on. I have started to voice my concerns about what’s bothering me and am much better at setting healthy boundaries. The session themes are engrained within me and I see myself applying these learnings in different areas of my life—with friends, family and in a professional setting. Am I my absolute best self just yet? No—but I’ve taken a massive leap in the journey of becoming exactly who I want to be!”


Brand Manger

Image of Susanne for Praise Page Katarina Stoltz Coaching and Therapy

“I felt trapped in a very demanding, negative situation concerning both private and career prospects. I felt immobile and incapable of moving forward, which made me unsatisfied and unhappy as I naturally strive for change and growth. I was stuck, with little energy left to find a way out, unhappy in my career and partnership and feeling disoriented, lacking goals and guidance.

Now? Above all I feel free, I get more joy out of less work and I can work more effortlessly. I learned that being an explorer can be an asset. I am no longer fighting with my partner and I feel more heard. I had doubts about wanting to become a mother, and now I feel we will be a pretty cool family. I learned that what makes me different is an asset. I was impressed by how quickly I changed in my life. The effectiveness of the coaching really resonated with me. I loved the very attentive and tailormade sessions.

To someone considering doing this, I would say: Just start. We all take our broken limbs and toothaches to the doctors, why should we not get a professional to mend our minds? Katarina is not only such a professional, but she is truly passionate about what she does and how she does it. I had no doubt that she could adapt to my needs at any time, and she saw long before I did what was needed and how it was best applied. To me, a perfect match and thoroughly enriching encounter. “



Praise for Katarina Stoltz from Hannah Grosser

“I really recommend life coaching with Katarina! Before starting the programme, I felt stuck in various areas of my life. I was defensive when I communicated and I had realized that I wasn’t able to change that myself. I chose to work with Katarina because I liked the fact that she’s also a psychotherapist. That gave me some reassurance considering that life coaching as such is not a regulated profession.

Where am I now? The coaching helped me move forward. Right now I’m much softer towards family and friends, not as triggered as I used to be. I’m much more responsive than reactive and have more patience. I got clarity on my patterns of communication and relationship dynamics and how to better identify and address them. Through this journey with Katarina I feel more contentment and satisfaction within myself.

Our coaching sessions have helped me grow, make decisions and let go of things that I do not need anymore in my life. Just as we go to the doctor when we’re physically not well, I think life coaching can support us to change our perspectives, improve our communication and relationships with ourselves and others.”

Hannah Grosser

Yoga teacher & content creator

Headshot of Gisela giving praise for Coach and Therapist Katarina Stoltz

“I left every coaching session with a smile and the certainty that I had accomplished another big milestone on my journey! Before we started working together, I knew I had to make changes, but I was not sure if I had the courage to go through with it.

Katarina helped me listen to my own intuition in order to carve out a professional vision—a big milestone for me, as this was the first time in my life I articulated a clear vision that felt right, encompassing all aspects of my personality. Consequently, it gave me the courage to leave my current career and focus on a life guided by my own purpose. I have more courage to be who I am, to stand up for myself and set clear boundaries.

Katarina is an amazing coach! Without any hesitation, I can recommend her to anyone who is looking to make important life changes. I am deeply grateful for all the work we did together and for Katarina’s presence, compassion and clarity when guiding me gently through the process. I could tell that she has much experience in navigating people through challenging emotions and I felt safe opening up to her. A huge thank you, Katarina.”


Talent Enabler

Headshot of Mohammed who provides praise for Katarina Stoltz Life Coach and Psychotherapist

“The coaching with you was life changing! It was the best decision I have made in my life. When I started, I was having many negative feelings about my decision to move to Germany. I was always stressed and exhausted, feeling I didn’t have control over my life and I didn’t feel at home. Now I feel safe and don’t have the feeling that I want to run away anymore. I have more energy to do the things I like.

Before working with you, I was very critical of myself, I couldn’t see all my achievements and I kept comparing myself with everyone around me. I didn’t have a feeling of purpose when it came to my career, and I was dreading my workday. As a result of the coaching process, I started to accept where I am in life, and I compare myself less. I feel peaceful. I took on a new work role and I enjoy going to work.

Katarina, you were very kind, understanding and supportive. I felt that I could say anything without being judged. I feel that it’s very rare in life to meet people who can help us with such compassion. You kept listening to all my thoughts no matter what they were and helped me make them more clear, without any sugar coating.

To anyone considering starting coaching, you will not regret this! Taking this step can be the best decision that you will ever make. Katarina, thank you for all your help, working with you has transformed my life so much! I will carry everything I learned with me forever. I’m very grateful to be back at the steering wheel.”


Manager, Spotify

Headshot Jennifer who provides praise for Katarina Stoltz Life Coach and Psychotherapist

“This journey ended up being more valuable than I expected! The coaching really helped me, I would not have done it alone. Previous to working together, I felt I was stuck in an unhappy work situation because I wasn’t getting the recognition I felt I deserved. I was powerless and lacked the confidence to voice my needs. I had a lot of self-doubt, and I questioned my purpose in life and career. I’ve been feeling stuck for a few years, yet nervous and fearful of being vulnerable and opening myself and my heart to my blockages.

Through the coaching programme I was able to find my voice, my self-worth and courage to ask for a promotion. As a result, I got a raise and future work goals that I’m excited about! When I started to ask for what I needed, I saw it wasn’t that difficult to get! Additionally, the concerns I had in my relationship with my partner also disappeared as I learned what was truly important and valuable for me in the relationship, instead of societal pressures that clouded my mind. It felt so freeing not to have the doubts anymore.

Your exercises were so well-crafted and brought deep self-reflection. What I found was that everything I needed was already present and within myself. You helped me uncover the root of my lack of confidence, it was eye-opening and a huge release. Since then, the fear lifted, and I was able to discover the self-worth that I was lacking.

Now I’m excited about the future and I feel a big relief. I’m happy in my current place and have the clarity I was looking for. Life feels bright as if a big cloud that was looming above me has finally disappeared. A huge thank you Katarina! This experience has been profound, I will never forget it and I will continue to take what I learned throughout this road in life.”


Quality Manager

Headshot of Wencke who gives praise for Katarina Stoltz Coaching

“Now I feel happier, and I sleep much better! Before working with you, I was struggling with my low self-confidence. I didn’t want to draw attention to myself, and I was a people pleaser.

My biggest learning from the coaching is that I started to let things be as they are, I don’t care so much about what other people think now, and it’s such a relief. I don’t hide like I used to. I feel more confident talking about myself and being visible to the world. I stopped making myself smaller! Through our sessions I learned to accept who I am, also my flaws. I’m now able to love myself.

Katarina it was a pleasure to work with you, you are a very empathetic person. Thanks for helping me see all my good characteristics and that I’m totally okay the way I am. You supported me to see what really matters. I loved your questions that triggered me to really think. You are very sensitive and a good listener. In every session I had a breakthrough, our sessions meant a lot to me. I will recommend you and probably contact you again! Thank you!”


Communications Manager

Headshot of Ellenit who gives praise for Katarina Stoltz Coaching and Therapy

“It’s amazing to see all the progress! You helped me gain clarity, make decisions, and commit. Today I feel empowered and confident! When I started the coaching, I knew I wanted to make a career change but didn’t know how. Everything was just in my head. Since I did the coaching programme I became more active and I did a coaching certification myself.

I finally made the decision to leave my relationship with my ex since I realised it was not good for me. I used to be very bad at saying no, now it’s easier to set boundaries.

Katarina’s coaching program is worth every cent! It’s one of the best investments I’ve made in my life. The progress is incredible when I look back at where I was before I started the program. Everyone should try it! I went to Katarina because I wanted to improve ONE thing in my life, but she helped me solve at least three additional MAJOR situations I was struggling with.

The sessions were extremely nurturing, it was different from what I have done before. You saw things I couldn’t see myself. I had a lot of new insights and I liked that you made me find my own answers. You are both direct and friendly and you were 200% present in every session. From the start I knew I could trust you, I felt I could tell you everything. I feel deep gratitude.”



Praise for Katarina Stoltz from Eva

“I wholeheartedly recommend working with Katarina. During a painful and difficult transition in my career, Katarina’s thought-provoking questions and awareness-building exercises (life changing!) helped me reignite my purpose and reconnect with my truest call.

While I contacted Katarina with the hope of addressing concerns about my career, I found myself gaining momentum in many more areas of my life. My relationships and interests outside of work have benefited tremendously from the confidence I built with Katarina’s help. I even won the first prize in a creativity contest, thanks to the courage and discipline I developed throughout the program!

Katarina helped me with a holistic approach that enabled me to be more self aware of my blind spots as well as my unfulfilled potential, and to tap into the different resources and strengths I already have. My performance and confidence at work has grown significantly – feedback I have received directly from managers and peers. I feel more secure in my relationships, and bolder in pursuing my passions.

A coaching program with Katarina is a powerful act of self love. I would recommend it to anyone who has the resources and curiosity to take part in a coaching program. Katarina’s approach encompasses psychology, self-discovery, strategies to build discipline and structured questionnaires to request and act on feedback. Start working with Katarina and enjoy the dynamic, yet focused work, you will go through together as a team.

Katarina, THANK YOU for helping me so gracefully to achieve my goals and get back to my passions. Now spending hours perfecting my skills doesn’t feel like a daunting chore, but like a moment suspended in time where I can fully and unapologetically be myself. I wouldn’t have done it without you. I will treasure my learnings forever.”


Business Operations Specialist

Manon gives praise for life coach Katarina Stoltz

“When I started working with Katarina, I felt exhausted at work due to the inability to prioritise my needs and find a work/life balance. I needed help, to better listen to myself and set boundaries. I gained a lot of clarity on what I want in my life, but also on how to express myself better. I now have a new position in the company I work for, and I feel more grounded and balanced.

Katarina’s coaching style perfectly combines empathy and a results-driven approach that exceeded my expectations during the eight months of coaching. Her empathetic nature and attentive ear provided true support, while her action-oriented methods empowered me to achieve my goals and find clarity in my life’s journey.

I am grateful for this experience and wholeheartedly recommend Katarina’s coaching to any active women seeking a comprehensive toolkit for personal growth at any stage of their lives. Go for it! Investing in yourself is the best decision you can make. “


Communication Manager