This Is How To Invest In Your Career Dreams

Published on Mar 15, 2024

Life coach Katarina Stoltz smiling at the camera while on the beach inviting you to invest in your career dreams.

Investing in yourself is an integral component of unlocking your true potential. I know that you might think that prioritising yourself can be seen as ‘selfish’ or a ‘weakness’. I’ll show you how to use it as a strength that will propel you forward in your career.

Investing in myself

Recently, I left behind my overstuffed to-do list and my business duties, all to escape the Berlin winter for two glorious weeks at retreats in Portugal. Yes, TWO retreats, and even a solo beach day.

I immediately feel an urge to explain to you ‘we were working hard on those retreats, and it was not a ‘relax and recharge’ kind of retreat.’

It’s that part of me who is trying to prove to mummy that I’m worthy.

That old habit of needing to justify every moment of self-care. Yes, I’ve wrestled with that too. But today, I’ve learned to silence that voice and extend compassion to myself.

Because today, I know my worth. Today I know I must invest in myself and in my health to be a better therapist, coach, mother, wife and friend.

I understand that investing in myself isn’t just a luxury—it’s a necessity. It’s what allows me to show up as the best version of myself.

Building that self-care muscle is a game-changer.

There was a time in my previous corporate career when even the thought of asking for time off would keep me up at night, consumed by guilt and worry about what others might think.

Sounds familiar?

We need time off to get in touch with how we really feel and to make decisions that aligns with who we are.

I used to feel alone with my needs. I didn’t have a community of like-minded people to share with. I wasn’t sure how to take the first step to get clarity on my next career move. That all changed one day at a film studio in Stockholm.

My career journey

It’s easy to stay in a job you’ve worked so hard for. Thoughts like, “I’ll fall behind if I change careers” or “I’m too old to try something new”, can hold you back.

Believe me, I know these thoughts all too well. They tried to stop me too. But I made a decision not to let that inner saboteur compromise my happiness.

In my late 20s, after completing my studies, I found myself freelancing for Swedish state television. I had climbed my way up from making coffee for the actors and crew to the responsible role of second director assistant—a dream job for many.

I excelled at what I did. The actors and extras loved my friendly demeanour, and the director appreciated my organisational skills. But despite outward success, something within me felt unsettled—a persistent feeling of boredom and unfulfillment.

I ignored it and said yes to another film production.

Months passed, and if it hadn’t been for Marek, perhaps I’d still be stuck in the film industry.

One evening at an after-work event, Marek noticed the longing in my eyes and said, ‘Katarina, you don’t seem happy here. Why not travel, see the world, and try different jobs? You strike me as the adventurous type.’

Unknown to him, his words struck a chord deep within me. It was exactly how I felt, but I hadn’t dared to admit it to myself. After investing years in studying and landing one of the best jobs around, could I really just walk away?

A few months later I left Sweden in search of adventure and true fulfilment.

I invested in my well-being.

It took many detours before I landed in my dream job. I don’t want you to have to wait that long!

Transform Near-Burnout into Career Fulfilment

I’ve created something I wish I had had back in that film studio in Stockholm and I believe you’ll find it invaluable—the CAREER CLARITY ROADMAP.

It’s a FREE GUIDE designed for professional women like you. In this guide, you’ll discover the five proven steps I teach to help busy mid-career women transform near-burnout into career fulfilment.

I’m excited to offer you this step-by-step guide for free!

This FREE GUIDE is your starting point for a career transition—without the pressure to decide your next move immediately.

It’s a practical blueprint to reflect on your career, uncover your passions, and take that initial step toward a career that truly excites you!

Whether you’re considering leaving corporate life to start your own business, aiming for a promotion, or unsure of your next career move, this FREE GUIDE is for you. The only requirement is your desire for change.

Are you ready to take the first step today?

Download your FREE GUIDE here.




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I’m Katarina

Welcome to my blog, where I share real-life stories and offer valuable and practical tips for how to achieve fulfillment without burning out.



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Near-Burnout into Career Fulfilment

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