It’s easy to overlook how important celebrating our successes is for our self-worth. Whether they’re big milestones or small wins, taking the time to acknowledge and honour them can profoundly shift how we view ourselves and our achievements.
This Is How To Invest In Your Career Dreams
Investing in yourself is an integral component of unlocking your true potential. I know that you might think that prioritising yourself can be seen as ‘selfish’ or a ‘weakness’. I’ll show you how to use it as a strength that will propel you forward in your career.
How to go on a workcation when you have kids
Read about my experience of going on a workcation to Thailand with my family and get some tips how to make it a success.
My amazing adventure as a barefoot Life Coach
For a couple of weeks, I will be a ‘digital nomad’. I’m not 20- or 30-something anymore. I’m a wife and a mother and I have a lot of commitments – and still, I brought my work and family with me to an island in Thailand.
How to find meaning in your life
I was strolling down Kastanienallee, one of the trendy shopping streets in the former East Berlin, with my bestie visiting from Sweden.
Are you ready to get what you want?
I heard the question “How much do you want what you want?” some time ago and I find it so powerful. I often hear myself, my clients or friends expressing wishes, I want this or that to happen in my life. Most of the time it stops there.