5 Simple Steps to Transform Near-Burnout into Career Fulfilment with my FREE Download the ‘Career Clarity Roadmap’

Life coach Katarina Stoltz leaning against a wall in a lilac shirt as she invites you to join the waiting list for Reignite Your Career online programme.

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I will be in touch with further information soon. Add my email address info@katarina-stoltz.com to your contact list to prevent emails going into your spam folder.

Have you tried my free guided journal, yet? Head here to boost your energy in one month with my free journal TIME TO THRIVE.

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Your details have now been added to the VIP notification list for my Reignite Your Career group programme.

I will be in touch with further information soon. Add my email address info@katarina-stoltz.com to your contact list to prevent emails going into your spam folder.

Have you tried my free guided journal, yet? Head here to boost your energy in one month with my free journal TIME TO THRIVE.

Life coach Katarina Stoltz leaning against a wall in a lilac shirt as she invites you to join the waiting list for Reignite Your Career online programme.