Step into your light and live your truth
A couple of months ago I stepped into my light and fully showed up. I decided to never hide in the shadow again.
What does “step into your light “mean?
If you observe small children, you often see their unconditionally smiling and curious faces. Life is pretty simple. They just are. They shine.
They are in their light.
They don’t wish to hide anywhere, from anything. They don’t have any thoughts popping up in their heads like:
“You shouldn’t smile too much, people might be envy”
“Don’t be so loud, it’s not polite”
“Don’t laugh that much, people may think it’s something wrong with you”.
I read an article recently “Young girls as early as 6, start to doubt their own brilliance”. The article referred to a study made at the University of Illinois.
I was shocked and sad to read that some girls step out of their light so early in life. At the age of 6 they already have doubts if they are worthy to stay in their light, to shine, to speak up, to share their unique gifts with the world and to be proud of their accomplishments.
My daughter just turned 5 and it’s a good reminder for me to do all I can to support her in being okay with just the way she is.
It’s never too late to return to our light
To step into your light as an adult, means:
“Returning to the state what it was like before the world told us who we should be”
How can we return to our light?
Around three years ago I started my personal development journey. Small steps lead to big changes. I opened up for the unknown. Without hardly any resistance I looked beyond my identity. I started to uncover the endless masks I used over the years.
My past was challenging me and I often heard the voice demanding me to go back to the shadow- to suffering and hiding. I learned not to let the past have power over me. I dealt with the blockages, which were in the way to return to my light again.
You can try to set off on this journey alone, but my experience taught me that it’s better to start with asking for help. Having a companion, like a Life Coach, who mirrors your behavior, is priceless.
The challenge with showing up
Last summer I went on a retreat on Crete. It was there, during one of the exercises it really shifted for me. I was back in my light.
I returned home and during a couple of months I was in a state of total bliss.
I experienced standing in my light for the first time in my adult life.
I was joyful, playful and it was just fabulous!
There were many days when I spontaneously started to dance with my daughter in our kitchen.
Until universe send me something new to learn
I started to feel distanced towards some of my friends and family. What I saw was, how quickly I wanted to go back to my shadow just to make other people feel better. So we could be on the same level and hide together.
The fear hit me
I believe that this quote by Marianne Williamson, describes very well what was going on.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.”
What a relief that there are so many powerful and inspiring women out there who guide us when we lose our way.
Overcome fear- choose creation
I decided to make something creative out of my new state of being instead of listening to the voice of fear. My creation was a workshop for a group of women in Berlin, which I organized with very little preparation. It was a success.
Envy. Questions. Silence.
I was being challenged.
When I read this quote by Paulo Coelho, my soul smiled.
“Relax. Haters are confused admirers trying to understand why so many people love you.”
It’s time to show up with all of our colors
I believe that stepping into our light and fully show up, is the most important contribution we can give to this world.
To show up as we really are, with all of our colors. Not every color is beautiful, but this is who we are. No more pretending, no masks, just us- naked.
The light does not lie
We will be confronted with new issues. We will open new wounds, which need healing, and we will discover parts of ourselves, which we do not yet know. All the denied parts of ourselves will get attention and be able to breathe again.
I believe we will become less tired, less exhausted and less sick. We will free energy, energy that was used to hold back parts of us we did not want to show.
Join the journey and start living your truth
I have arrived at one destination and now I am continuing to the next one.
How about you?
Where are you in your life right now?
If you are ready to go to the next level of becoming free to be yourself, I offer one-to-one sessions either in my practice in Berlin or via Zoom.
Drop me an email info@katarina-stoltz.com.
It’s your time to shine!

I’m Katarina
Welcome to my blog, where I share real-life stories and offer valuable and practical tips for how to achieve fulfillment without burning out.
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