Ten things I did to make sure there was movement in my life 2017
A year ago I wrote my first blog article. Since then I have kept on writing articles regularly. It has supported me to stay committed toward myself, and to live what I preach. Writing has also become a way for me to acknowledge my learnings. Today I wish to share and acknowledge my most important learnings this year, and I hope I will inspire you to make a similar list.
Ten things I did to make sure there was movement in my personal and professional life 2017:
1. Got rid of at least ten boxes with old school books, notes, and other stuff, which I don’t need anymore, from the past. Since I started experiencing the power of completing things, I regularly clean up in different areas of my life. This year it was time for the boxes in my parents’ basement.
2. Started to express my emotions in a more appropriate way. This resulted in better skin (I used to have acne), sleeping better, more energy and feeling much more balanced.
3. Some more cleaning up to make space for the new. I regularly went to a second hand store to sell clothes, that I did not wear anymore, and some I gave away. I started to shop less and prioritize quality to quantity. The feeling of lightness amazes me, when I don’t have to think of all this clutter anymore!
4. Stepped way out of my comfort zone and started to lead workshops, and I led 5 workshops in personal development during 2017!
5. Spent a lot of time searching for the right coaching practice and found one, which I share with other professionals. I started to work as a Life Coach and have supported over 100 women to live a fulfilled life.
6. Got myself a proper alarm clock and started using it instead of my I-phone. Now I leave my phone in the kitchen when I go to sleep and instead of checking emails first thing in the morning or last thing in the evening, I focus on starting and ending my days in a much more conscious way.
7. Managed to communicate with more compassion and less reaction and defense. I learned how much we influence others with the way we communicate. The way I used to communicate was a bit aggressive and defensive. Today I notice how much easier it is to reach someone with a more understanding and compassionate language.
8. Read the book “Body process” by James I. Kepner and learned a lot about the relationship between our bodies and our mental and emotional health.
9. Went for a retreat and learned about my soul’s purpose and other karmic stuff. Went through a very challenging ritual, and since then my gratefulness towards life has been present every day.
10. Started seeing every single discomfort as an opportunity for learning. I’m becoming better at handling situations and people, who are triggering me, with looking at what I can learn from it or them and also at what still needs healing. This has had the effect that I’m almost not going into conflicts anymore.
My most important learning 2016 was: Slow down, you move too fast. My most important learning 2017 is:
Get rid of emotional and physical baggage and you feel healthier and lighter.
What can you acknowledge yourself for this year? Write a list and discover how you have grown personally and professionally.
When we are able to acknowledge ourselves we take a BIG STEP forward to a life that feels more joyful and fulfilling.
Wishing you all a grateful ending of 2017!

I’m Katarina
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